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Privacy Policy

At Jitmeal we do our best to protect your confidentiality.  We are very serious about your confidentiality and will use your personal information (or data) to administer your account and to provide the services offered by Jitmeal only upon receipt of your consent to the collection and processing of your personal data on the conditions specified below. We tried to put it down as clear as it is possible. Therefore, we hope that you get all the necessary information that would make you feel sure about safety of your personal data with us.


The present Confidentiality Policy explains when and where we collect personal data about users of Jitmeal, how we process it, the conditions that allow us to disclose it to third parties, our rights with regard to your personal data as well as the way we store it.

We can change the Policy from time to time, therefore,  view this page once in a while to make sure that you are satisfied with these adjustments. Additional notifications of any changes should be sent to your Jitmeal account. If you continue to use Jitmeal within one week after the notification distribution, it will be considered that you have accepted all the changes, unless such changes imply the mandatory receipt of your express consent to the changes. This may be a case when, for example, the method and the purpose of your data processing change significantly. 


Any questions with regard to the present Policy and our services shall be sent to [email protected]


1.What is Jitmeal?

It is believed that by the moment you started using Jitmeal, you have got acquainted with the main direction of our services and business, and, of course, got informed about our Conditions. We will once again explain this for a better understanding of the purposes for which your personal data is collected and processed in accordance with this Confidentiality Policy. So, Jitmeal is a cloud-based tablet-adapted Point of Sale, which offers a simple platform for managing sales, stocks and marketing to bars, shops and restaurants, and which is controlled by OÜ UNICORN DV having its registered address at: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Põhja-Tallinna linnaosa, Telliskivi tn 60/1, 10412


2. What is personal data and its processing?

Personal information (or data) is any information related to you, and which individually or together with another information enables a specialist, who collects and processes such information, to identify you as a person. It may include your name, identification number, data about your location or information regarding your physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic status, cultural or social life. Data processing means any action with your personal data, for example, collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, use, disclosure in any way and so on. 


3. Which information do we collect about you?

Jitmeal can collect personal data, such as name, email address, phone number, address, as well as combined (aggregated) information, such as the frequency of visiting the website, IP address, the most frequently visited pages of the site, type of browser. The combined (aggregated) information is not identifying personality/contains anonymous information about the users of the Jitmeal platform. The combined (aggregated) information is used collectively, and no particular person can be identified directly using such data.


4. Why does Jitmeal collect data about you?

As you may see there is not so much of personal data. Nevertheless, all the data collected by Jitmeal is crucial for the platform operation. Jitmeal collects and uses the data in order to:

4.1. understand your needs and provide services that you require;

4.2. increase the quality of services, provided by Jitmeal platform, by offering customized services;

4.3. generate statistic data;

4.4. carry out market surveys and planning;

4.5. help you completing operation or provide services, client support;

4.6. get in touch with you;

4.7. inform you about services, information and products, or, in other words, distribute some marketing information to you;

4.8. inform you about any important information or adjustments on the platform that may have something to do with you;

4.9. ensure compliance with terms and conditions of use established by the platform;

4.10. administer the platform including the tasks of bugs removal, data analysis, testing, carrying out researches, collecting statistics, and holding surveys;

4.11. ensure the platform safety.

If Jitmeal decides to change the purposes of data processing specified above, we will inform you of such changes before using your personal data within the framework of the new processing purposes. A notification of such changes will be sent to the control panel of your account and /or to your email. 


5. Who will get access to your personal data?

In order to provide high-quality services on the platform, Jitmeal hires people, concludes agreements with independent contractors, cooperates with other service providers, companies, and organizations. For this reason, part of your personal data can be transferred to the mentioned persons. In order to achieve the purposes of the platform in the best way, Jitmeal uses various technologies and services, including those that can be provided and/or accommodated in other countries. Thus, your data can be available to IT services contractors of Jitmeal in the USA, Ukraine or other countries that are not members of the European Economic Area. If you are from the EU, we are ready to guarantee you the implementation of standard provisions on the data protection adopted by the European Commission and the relevant EU laws on data protection. Having registered on the Jitmeal platform and using it, you agree to such a transmission and processing for the purposes established in Section 4 of this Confidentiality Policy. 

In all cases when we transfer the data to other persons, we guarantee that your data is protected and used only for the purposes specified in Section 4 of this Confidentiality Policy. This is achieved through the use of certified services and products, signing agreements on the protection of personal data with contractors, as well as the adoption of technical measures to ensure the protection of information during its storage, use and transfer. Besides, please be informed that Jitmeal is entitled to disclose your personal data to ensure compliance with the applicable legislation. In other words, Jitmeal can disclose the information necessary for an investigation or a trial to officials in reply to their official request, or to some official bodies acting within their authorities. 


6. How long do we process and store personal data at Jitmeal?

Your personal data will be stored by Jitmeal as long as you use  the platform and until you stop using it, which means deleting your account from the Jitmeal platform. Jitmeal is obliged to stop processing your personal data unless special legislation does not establish a particular term for such data storage. 


7. Your rights with regard to your personal data

7.1. You have the right to request Jitmeal for access to your personal data. This means that you can request Jitmeal for clarifications as regards your personal data that is processed, and also specify the information described above, that is: the purpose of data collecting and processing, the period of data processing, information about the third parties that have access to your data.

7.2. You are entitled to ask Jitmeal to correct your personal data. This means that you can request specifying and adjusting the information you want to correct. You can also fill in your personal data if you believe it to be necessary.

7.3. You are entitled to request deleting your personal data from Jitmeal. You can request Jitmeal to delete such data if its processing is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collected, as well as in the absence of legal grounds for such processing. In most cases, Jitmeal deletes such information, unless otherwise required by the law.

7.4. You are entitled to request a limitation on your personal data processing from Jitmeal. In some cases, envisaged by the legislation, you are entitled to limit your personal data processing, for example, in cases where you dispute the exactness of your personal data that is being processed or if Jitmeal will be not interested in processing of your personal data any more, but you would like it to be done by Jitmeal due to various reasons, for example, in order to file whatsoever demand to somebody, then the data processing will be just limited instead of being deleted.

7.5. You are entitled to withdraw your consent. You can withdraw your consent to the collection and processing of your personal data by Jitmeal at any time, without any effect to the legality of data processing based on the consent granted before its withdrawing. After Jitmeal receives such a withdrawal request from you, we will react to it in a timely manner and we will no longer process such data. The definition of the word "timely" is explained below. Should you have any question to Jitmeal with regard to the use of your rights, write to us at [email protected]


8. Response and feedback time

Jitmeal will provide information with regard to the measures undertaken following your request in connection with your rights indicated above within one month at most from the date of the request receipt. This period can be extended for another two months if Jitmeal is too busy with a large number of requests. Jitmeal will inform you about any such extension of the deadline within one month from the date of the request receipt indicating the reasons for such delay. 


9. You are also entitled to file a claim to a controlling body authorized to examine such claims in your country.


10. How does Jitmeal protect personal data? 

Jitmeal undertakes technical and organizational measures to ensure information processing in a way that provides proper data protection, including protection against unauthorized or illegal processing, accidental loss, destruction, or damage. 


12. Cookies

What are cookies? Those are tiny pieces of a code that remain on your computer after visiting a web-site. Afterwards the cookies allow the server to provide you with information adapted to your needs, when you visit a platform or a web-site next time.

If you visited our website and came here to get acquainted with the Confidentiality Policy, probably, the first thing that you noticed on the web-site was the form of consent to the use of cookies. Please see detailed information about these tiny tools in our Cookie Policy. Cookie Policy is a constituent part of the current Confidentiality Policy. 


13. Are you already 16 years old?

Children's confidentiality is also one of our worries. Here, at Jitmeal, we can provide services only to the users who are more than 16 years old. If you are not 16 years old, you need to get a permission of your parents /guardians before providing any personal data to the Jitmeal website.

We hope that this Confidentiality Policy helped you to understand how your personal data will be processed here at Jitmeal. Do not be afraid - we will make sure that the platform only helps you in the work of your staff, and you shall not worry about your confidentiality with Jitmeal. Now enjoy our platform!

Should you have any question to Jitmeal, please, send it to [email protected], we will be happy to help and speak to you.


Your team at Jitmeal.